Leggo poco di trail running e sapevo che la carriera di Kilian si fonda su una rotula fratturata, leggo molto di road running e non sapevo che la carriera di Sondre affondava sulla rottura di un tendine del piede


Two weeks after winning the European Under-23 10,000m title (July 2011) I first picked up an injury in my foot. After five MRIs I was told I had a stress fracture under the ball of the foot and that I also had tendinosis.

In January 2013 after a lot of treatments and investigations, one final MRI in Oslo discovered I had a total rupture of the tendon. In March I underwent tendon replacement surgery, in May I went through a second surgery to shorten the tendon.

It was a very rare type of surgery and the surgeon told me it would take a year to recover and there were no guarantees I would be able to get back to my former level as an athlete. It was a long, slow road to full recovery.
