Mary CAIN era già entrata nel sito tre mesi fa, dopo un’ampia illustrazione nel blog un anno fa: a 17 anni è pronta per il salto nel mondo professionistico. Per un’atleta USA vuol dire perdere la sincronia con il calendario scolastico (sta frequentando le superiori) per adeguarsi a quello internazionale e avere una crescita sportiva più libera, partendo da 1’59″51 negli 800m e 4’04″62 nei 1’500m (vd. @IAAF).


Per i curiosi c’è un bel riassunto di Peter GAMBACCINI @RW_15/11 e una lunga intervista con Joe DOUGLAS @RT_15/11, righe fresche dei migliori giornalisti USA. Ecco alcuni estratti dal lungo dialogo.

  • We all agreed that anything would be good. There is no bad option. Ultimately, I decided to go pro because that is what makes the most amount of sense for me. I looked at both options, and both were great, but I kind of wanted to keep doing what I was doing and I felt the best way to do that was to take the next step by going pro.
  • I am already doing what I will be doing next year, the only difference is I will be paid for it. I have been working a lot on form changes so I think this indoor season will be more of a testing opportunity to see how it’s going. I think it’s going well. 
  • I am kind of a 60-mile-per-week runner. Currently, I am on the low end, like 40, because I am totally focused on fixing my form. On the high end, I think the most I have ever done is probably 80, and it was literally for one week.
  • For the most part, I stay off a lot of blog sites. When I was younger, in seventh and eighth grade, nasty things were written on a lot of sites so I learned kind of young that you don’t want to go on there. Of course there are really supportive people on there too, but they’ll support me whether or not I am reading the blog.
  • I stay off most running sites. I currently only have a Facebook, but I don’t go on that very often. I don’t have a Twitter. For a lot of things, I am not in that world and I try to stay out of it as much as possible.
  • I’m kind of a dinosaur. I don’t have an iPhone yet, but I think one may be in the works. I might make a Twitter or an Instagram this year just to kind of get a little more involved in the sport. 
  • I still go to school. I still have to survive classes and homework like everyone else. After I work out, I still have to go and do that stuff. I listen to normal music. I am not listening back to tapes of my races to learn what I did wrong. I go to the movies. I hang out with friends. I try to have fun just like every other kid.
  • Yes, I am going pro and that is a big step. It will be hard. But as long as I am having fun with it still, that is all that I care about. That has always been my goal. The second I stop having fun, I don’t know if it is worth it. I could be No. 1 in the world. If I’m not having fun with that, then why do it?