Preso il ritmo su linee larghe e lunghe pagine, saltando avverbi e aggettivi a sfumare e azioni e persone, sono arrivato alla fine … shoe dogs were people who devoted themselves wholly to the making, selling, buying or designing of shoes.


Niente di strano che ‘shoe dogs’ nel libro siano (i numeri si riferiscono alle pagine) due giappo cinesi (Senter / 186 e C.H. Wong / 287) e due italo americani (Bill Geppetto Giampietro / 252, Sonny Vaccaro / 309).

Perché scrivere così tanto, anche troppo fino al 1980? Dialoghi fitti, particolari superflui, buoni solo per chi li ha vissuti in diretta, e almeno una svistA / 295 nonostante molte, molte bozze / 386.

Ispirazione nata da una Bucket List / 381 … Everyone else has told the story, or tried to, but they always get half the facts, if that, and none of the spirit. Or vice versa.

I might start the story, or end it, with regrets. The hundreds, maybe thousands, of bad decisions. I’d like to share the experience, the ups and downs so someone might be inspired or comforted.

Seek a calling. If you’re following your calling, the fatigue will be easier to bear, the disappointments will be fuel, the highs will be like nothing you’ve ever felt.

Così chiude il libro, fra sincretismo religioso e imprenditoriale, iniziato con il viaggio intorno al mondo subito dopo la laurea. Another Crazy Idea telling the former Crazy Idea / 385.

I’ve spent a fair portion of my life in debt. As a young entrepreneur I became distressingly familiar with that feeling of going to sleep each night, waking up each day.

Owing many people a sum far greater than I could repay. Nothing, however, has made me feel quite so indebted as the writing of this book. Così alla fine iniziano i ringraziamenti / 378.

The day we went public Woodell sat his parents down and told them the news. “Your original eight-thousand-loan to Phil is worth $1.6 million”. “I don’t understand”, his mother said.

Potere del tasso composto e magia dei raddoppio dei primi anni nel continuo reinvestimento sempre con i debiti alla gola (e due pesanti cause legali) prima della quotazione.

Un’opzione rigettata più volte dai Buttfaces al comando – it’ll spoil the culture / 315 – fino all’equa soluzione fra finanziamento e controllo. E allo sbarco in Cina (1980) per volare nel mondo.

I did seem to hire nothing but accountants. And lawyers. I just didn’t kwnow where else to look for talent: there’s no shoe school, no University of footwear. We need to hire people with sharp minds / 328.

When you hired a marketing expert, or product developer, what did you know? Nothing. And the typical business school graduate? He or she didn’t want to start out with a bag selling shooes (1978).

Developed in Exeter, made in Japan, the brainchild of M. Frank Rudy was more than a shoe. Tailwind was a work of postmodern art. Big, shiny, bright silver, filled with Rudy’s patented air soles / 331.

It featured twelve different products innovations. We hyped it to heavens, with a splashy ad campaign, and tied the launch to Honolulu Marathon: Tailwind became a sales monster (1978).

Customers were returning the shoe to stores, in droves, complaining that teh thing was blowing up, falling apart. Autopsies on the returned shoes revealed a fatal design flaw / 332.

Non ricordo la fine della Tailwind di Matteo, ma poteva essere successo qualcosa di simile al prototipo di Frank semplice scollatura nell’ultraleggerezza per le Olimpiadi 1976.

Bits of metal in the silver paint were rubbing against the shoe’s upper, acting like microscopic razors, slicing and shredding the fabric: we issued a recall, full refunds / 332.

Basta copia-incolla, mettiamoci negli occhi dei nipoti che guardano al nonno 80enne vagliare i pensieri migliori on a recliner e scrivere on a yellow legal pad.

P.S. a shoe dog of usStephen Venezia is a shoes luxury brand devoted to research and design. Today the artistic director is Stefano Bertollo, who creates his own collection by looking at womanliness with an ironic and geometric eye.

Stephen Venezia has deep roots in passionate work and respect for tradition, but is always looking for innovation in structure and shapes. We exclusively select the most precious materials that are hand-crafted by expert artisans.