10904480_1050285031664190_5635394276695450195_o_cropTanti italiani lo hanno conosciuto così: unica macchia bianca in mezzo a 4 signori della corsa all’inizio dell’ultimo giro della BoClassic 2014 (Edwin Soi appena staccato), quando i nostri migliori avevano già preso 20″ in 2 giri. Cosa ci fa un neozelandese nell’inverno boreale quando potrebbe godersi l’estate australe?

Dieci giorni fa in Italia si festeggiava 1h03’26” di Stefano La Rosa, primo italiano alla BoClassic, nella Mezza delle due Perle a Santa Margherita Ligure, ma poche ore prima – complice il fuso orario – Zane Robertson aveva corso in 59’47” all’esordio sulla distanza in Giappone, a Marugame.

cc512717-ae1d-4b07-a143-0e78a5bbcf72Non ho dovuto attendere molto il report di Alberto Stretti da cui recupero alcune perle … I came into this race with great confidence with my shape as from October last year I was ready for a sub 60 performance. The group I train with in Ethiopia really bred my strength and confidence as I could finish workouts with them: last years and this year’s Dubai Marathon winners Haliu lemi Birhanu and Assefa Tseygey Mekonin and the bronze medallist from the half marathon champs Gueye Adola 59:06Honestly I probably will have nightmares about the finish but this kind of thing is there to make me stronger again. My complete happiness and joy of achieving what I expected of myself for awhile words really can’t describe. I’m not settling on this performance it’s just the beginning of things to come. I have my 2 feet on the ground and still focused and driven.

I want to focus on major time improvements in the 1500-Mile -5000m and later this year debut in the 10,000m. To smash new Zealand records and all expectations. Just like the half marathon I have a good feeling about the event 10,000m … What I have learned from living and survival in Kenya and Ethiopia. How powerful the mind can be! When the body is tired in hard training only the mind will save you! In the beginning when hope was scarce and hardship was all around us. My mind kept me going. I’ve learned from the training sessions and environment how to read my body and know what it need and when it needs it.


Da otto anni vive fra Etiopia e Kenya e si è abituato alle ombre scure e c’è pure un bel po’ di Italia nella sua crescita … The last two years, I joined a marathon group. They belong to my manager Gianni Demadonna. The program is regulated by two Ethiopian coaches who basically take the program from Renato Canova and Gabriele Nicola. … I do believe there was another way to go, but this was just the way for me. Everybody’s got to find their own way. Especially in the beginning we suffered a lot. Everything’s so centered toward running. But there’s household chores, collecting water. Washing is done by hand. Everything is a bit harder here … molto di più @letsrun.

ph. BoClassic3121 & IAAF