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bufera alla Maratona di Zurigo (Iana Knak e Marco Trevisan)

A few hours away from another 26.2miles, butterflies in my belly and one conviction: I just love it so muchdo not matter what happens tomorrow , the greatest result I have already achieved. I feel so blessed for seeing life as I do, I may be a complete fool, but I still believe in life, I believe in dreams, I believe my legs are my wings, I am a believer. Along with me, friends, family, my dear friends from Nico Runners, super CMTeam, my dear husband best staff and supporter ever ...


Firenze Marathon italo-porto-inglese (mixed by Iana Knak)

Enrico, ho scritto tutto da sola. Sono sicura che ci sono ancora errori, ma ho provato a usare le mie parole ... faccio alcuni ritocchi, anche se Iana non ne ha bisogno, si fa capire lo stesso: senza di lei Scuola di Corsa avrebbe meno luce e meno colore, oltre che meno lingue e pochi selfie ...


fidarsi del GPS con margine (Iana KNAK)

F587_Iana Knak_cropNon occorre capire parola per parola per intuire il disappunto di Iana: mancare di 30" il muro delle 4h dopo essere sembrata in vantaggio per tutta la gara è devastante. Chi utilizza con criterio il GPS sa che c'è un errore intrinseco dell'1%, confermato anche dalla misurazione di Iana (42,637km vs. 42,195 + 0,042 di margine errore), e può anticipare l'artificioso consiglio "utilizza pure i GPS, ma imposta il ritmo 1% più veloce (5’41” => 5’38” per le 4h)" ...

la mia Venice Marathon (Iana KNAK)

_MG_2556_FBHello Dear VENICE Marathon Organization,

I would really appreciate some response from the organization regarding some issues as followed below.

First of all: I have to congratulate the Event 29th Venice Marathon Organization for the beautiful marathon yesterday. Very well chosen route, incredible vibe, nice pack, great post run assistance. Everything. I had a wonderful moment, I laughed, I cried, it was very emotional, I think, to all of us. If I have the opportunity sure I will do it again. However, there are one point I want to clarify and it is regarding the CHIP and distance.

I was wearing a GARMIN for Runners completely updated and in perfect conditions as well as a NIKE PLUS satellite GPS. BOTH have registered same information in each and every one KM. At KM 41, both and the mark by the Piazza San Marco matched more or less. HOWEVER final distance in both of my devices were 42,637KM or 26,49mi ...